- Wish to make money online?
- Wish to get paid by writing your favorite contents?
- Wish to do flexible part time job instead of fixed hour promoter?
If answer for all above is YES, we are the right portal for you.
Now you can generate money online by becoming our guest writer.
At SaveMoreTips.com, we are looking for guest writer to contribute original quality content, you help me, I help you.
You get paid for shortlisted contents, we will send you a link for the shortlisted article.
What Will I Get / How will I get Paid as a Guest Writer ??
- Each published article entitle a token of RM10.00
- The more article you write, the more money you are able to generate.
- Payment will paid via bank transfer, at every end of the month
Requirement For Article Submission:
- Article must be 100% original and never appear in any other website, before and after.
- Each article must contains at least of 400 words.
- You agree that the entry must be published only at SaveMoreTips.com
- Article must be submitted in Microsoft words format to the assigned email
Our Topics:
Auto News / Coupons / Samples / Freebies / News / Promotions / Sales / Tech
Who’re the candidates we are looking for ??
- Candidates with high proficiency in English.
- Experienced Freelance writers with high passion towards our related contents.
- University / College Students who wish to earn money online by doing part time. (With / Without experience)
How to apply for Guest writer ?
Drop us an email with your Name, email, current area of stay, University / Colleges (If you’re currently studying) with a brief introduction of yourself. State reasons why must we hire you as well.
Send it to: savemoretips(a)gmail.com , replace (a) to @
How to know whether you have been selected as a guest writer ??
We will be sending you an email to officially congratulates you if you are chosen as our guest writer.
What are you waiting for ??
Email your resume to the email stated above now. You will be replied if you’re selected.